March 29, 2016

'Professor' David Vaughan...

What allegation was made against 'Professor' David Vaughan, and why did police go to his house?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting case- a senior administrator - indeed head of an institute with a fairly unspectacular academic track record BUT one of many cases of bosses of FE entities bluffing or in some cases bargaining their way into the title of professor. Heads of such colleges seem generally to have extracted these titles when universities started partnering with such colleges in the delivery of "access" type courses etc. Maybe the title "prof" is too "privileged" in the UK more generally. One major Irish university voted to make its lecturers all assistant created anger because there were hierarchies- those more senior than L grade became associate or full profs.....GENERALLY I DO NOT BELIEVE ADMINISTRATORS, LIBRARIANS, COLLEGE BOSSES SHOULD AUTOMATICALLY BE CALLED PROFESSORS UNLESS THEIR ACADEMIC WORK MERITS IT......ON THE OTHER HAND, WHILE MANY COLLEGE BOSSES MUSCLE THEIR WAY INTO THIS TITLE UNFAIRLY, SO MANY NON-SCHOLARLY ACADEMIC STAFF HAVE MADE PROFESSOR VIA ADMIN WORK AND DIRTY TRICKS....