Last time we “named and shamed” Bulster’s notorious VC “Tricky Dicky”
and his HR gopher-torturer, “Mad Bonnie”. We offered an expose of the
mediocre former nurses, school teachers, administrators and policy
“chancers” who make up the senior management team at Bulster University.

local UCU branch and many of their staff have argued that top
management have been so consistently ineffective over decades that the
only way Dicky could keep his multi-campus
Gulag archipelago together, was through bullying at every level of this depressing institution.
this misery is inflicted on Bulster University staff and students and
offered to the public on the bank-rolling of public money, our readers
are entitled to quiz the evidence of public shame in this province where
one might have thought the lofty European Declaration of Human Rights
might apply? Why is public money being wasted on a failed university?
And why are the moguls of Bulster University apparently so
unaccountable? With a HR Chief like Bonnie, Arthur Cox Solicitors are
the current in a long line of lawyers kept busy for Bulster University!
universities in the UK and Ireland, Bulster University has consistently
been among the worst for harassment of staff, and for work-place
stress. It has among the highest rates of staff bringing cases to
Industrial Tribunal and has been the subject of a number of successful
landmark employment discrimination and bullying cases. Bulster
University’s track-record for industrial relations is so bad the
mild-mannered University and College Union which supposedly represents
most academic staff believe Bulster University is “off the scale” on
bullying and harassment of staff and needs a whole new category beyond
just “grey-listing”.

regard to its internal reconciliation of industrial conflict Bulster
University employs its own watch-dog or “University Visitor”, normally a
senior legal figure, but whose terms of reference make him or her a
employee of the University and who staff believe takes instructions
directly from the university administration. Under such a procedures the
Visitor, a person who is supposed to be genuinely independent and to
represent the Monarch in the interests of fair-play, could be no more
than an apology for an academic dictatorship.
these luke-warm powers have been weakened and the Royal Visitor cannot
now address employment issues. It is a sad indictment of Bulster that
it’s Legal Head “Olly” Mac is embroiled in a legal battle against the
This has involved Olly being suspended from his post on several occasions and has placed him in head-on conflict with the
“uber dictator”
his line manager, the universities Director of Torture and Execution,
“Mad Bonnie”. And for those who might feel some sympathy for Olly
getting a touch of his own nasty medicine, one should not forget this
legal supremo has “ducked and dived”, and allegedly “lied and falsified”
over decades of Industrial Tribunals brought by the University’s
desperately immiserated academic staff. Never reluctant to wield the
knife against his employees, it is a safe bet to say that nasty Olly is
just now getting it in his own ass!
We can also report that Olly’s boss, “Mad Bonnie”, may himself be on
his last days at the University. Subject to final disciplinary warning
for bullying and threats, Bonnie is now under police investigation for
criminal harassment and misconduct in public office. What also seems
likely is that once Dicky’s ship finally sinks, Bonnie will be drowned
with the other senior managements rats.
implications has all this bullying for academic standards at Bulster
University? Well for the malaise of plummeting academic standards in
every league table we must attribute a good deal of blame to the
University’s Provosts and academic deans who have been the enforcers of
the college torture chambers. One thinks in particular of former
Coleraine Provosts, Mal Blunt and Robbo “The Hutch”, both well
remembered for their over-use of “Mad” Ronnie and his HR heavies.

quite s dazzling as the famous “TV cops”, our Campus Provosts “Blunt
and Hutch” had no scruples about bulldozing their colleagues along the
way. In the process this duo became infamous for allowing large-scale
closure of their programmes and singularly advancing their mediocre
academic careers. Blunt
was especially loathed by staff for his KGB-style web monitoring and
“cyber-trolling” of academics. Perhaps more famous for sporting prowess
than genuine scholarship, Blunt predictably turned campus management
into a “game sport”.
After a
week or two of “Blunt’s KGB treatment” his line-employees were cornered
like rabbits in a flash-light. “Hutch” who had a less than stellar
career as an economist is probably better known for being “economical
with the truth” at college disciplinary and employment tribunal
At most universities deans are custodians of collegiate knowledge.
Bulster University is singularly unique in maintaining a deanship
enforcing University House policy across the campus archipelago. Names
which come to mind among corporate tsars include an Arts Dean whose
life-hero is probably Polish General Jaruzelski, the former Communist
supremo who imposed martial law to crush the Solidarity democracy
Bulster’s own General, the Arts faculty has been reduced to shreds, its
courses and staff dislocated across the archipelago and academic morale
in ruins. Great Arts course that worked well in cultural cities like
Derry were closed down while new ventures in scientific areas like
Pharmacy, Veterinary Science and Microbiology have yet to deliver!
Bulster academic leadership is less of a deanship and more of a
dictatorial tsar-ship! Then we have the recently elevated Milly
Dick whose gaff in accepting hundreds of unqualified students did not
prevent him making Pro-VC…a truly Ulster illustration of the corporate
American saying “f..k up and get kicked up…”

we have the over-promoted Dean Raisin in Life Sciences famously
ridiculed as Dicky’s most loyal dunce. Ms Raisin has wasted no time in
joining Dicky in the international “cookie trough”. With Dicky she was
among about a dozen Bulster boffins accepting substantial gifts from Saudi educational institutions (who now owe Bulster over £2m in unpaid fees).
Ranging from Rolexes, scarves and rugs, these might be interpreted as expensive “kick-backs” which the Senior Executive Team Minutes show resulted ultimately in a teminated contract, a £2 Million loss and the bizairre reality of a heavily indebted Bulster educating rich Saudi students at full cost to the local tax-payer. The Bulster managers got their gold watches, the university lost money, the tax-payer footed the bill, and local Northern Ireland students suffered from the short-fall.
we have Social Sciences golden man, and rumored to be Dicky’s
confidante, Micky Paul, whose rush to power shows how a Kingston boy can
make a few talents go a long way. And as his leader is about to bow out
as Bulster VC it is rumored that Dicky is also about to “come out
“about his sexual identity.
gossiped revelations recall those of a former Ulster University
Education Chief whose personal sex-change journey would have been viewed
more sympathetically even by Ulster’s “religious far-right” management
had she not also been a bullying maniac. In true Ulster Christian
fashion they allegedly ordered her thereafter to use the disabled
Ousted from Ulster, she went on to be removed
for further bullying in Scotland. Well if indeed Dicky become one of our
first VC’s to come out as part of the LGBTI community, this might well
be one of his most honest actions at Bulster. But if announcement
follows the rumor mill, Dicky is likely to be compared negatively with
Thames Valley Uni’s flamboyant ear-ringed, pony-tailed bully Mike
Fitzgerald (pictured here) who finally resigned after a devastating
watchdog’s report said that degree standards at TVU could no longer be
guaranteed. Echoes of Dicky in Bulster although “Tricky Dicky’s” suits
are somewhat more sober and one doubts he’d ever get an ear-ring!
that’s all for now from our Dictator at Bulster University. Next time
we’ll take a look at what it’s genuinely like to be in one of Bulster
University’s torture chambers, and we’ll see if the keepers of the
torture machine, Dictator Dicky and “Mad Bonnie”, will finally get their
just deserts. Who knows maybe this would not be the first time Dicky
and Bonnie have worn handcuffs!
is a work of humorous fiction and any similarities with persons or
places real or imagined is purely a matter of coincidence. If you’ve
been bullied at Bulster University or any F/HE institution don’t
hesitate in complete confidence to E-MAIL:
Victims may complain without penalty under their college procedures or
consider making a complaint to their local police. Where the police are
contacted bullying usually ceases immediately.