"...It is hard to see how the public can have confidence in such exercises when potentially crucial paperwork has been destroyed and important witnesses have been gagged through confidentiality clauses in settlement agreements paid for with public money."
Indeed... There should be no doubt, in case this is of interest to the National Audit Office, that the above college is not the only offender, and that HEIs make it a regular practice to silence descent through gagging clauses, thus wasting significant amounts of public money while hiding their wrong-doings. One would have thought that this would also be of interest to the relevant government department... But, hey...
Self-regulation is not working for UK universities. Do we need tougher measures?
Front page of THE 28/8/08
Yes we need something - a start would be to appoint people with integrity and moral courage to offer support and guidance to the universities who do not have the capacity... integrity... moral courage themselves to address issues of wpb.
We must have universities for our young people that are ethical and can deal responsibility with issues of social justice and dignity at work within their own community...
So let's get writing the job specifications ASAP
Aphra Behn
Gag clauses and payouts of public money should be barred by law. If the institution can't withstand the public scrutiny of a Tribunal proceeding they ought to get out of the business of education.
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