October 14, 2008

Mobbing: animalistic behaviour

Mobbing, based on animalistic behaviour, is a malicious attempt by peers and leaders to gang up on a particular individual because they see her as a threat to their own survival. The target displays exceptional talent combined with outstanding integrity. This potent combination of traits is rare.

One of the differences between mobbing and bullying is that mobbing is condoned and even instigated by the managers. Mobbing is more serious than bullying and is referred to as psychological terrorism because the victim never knows when the next wave will come. Managers go along with it because they fear that bucking the abuse will undermine their authority. Employees with a mature personality will not participate. In the last phase of mobbing, the group will start to call the target "mentally ill" or "difficult."

This form of behaviour is common in organizations with high stress, educational institutions, and government departments. The code of ethics needs to include a statement against mobbing and the management style needs to change. The key leader should advertise that he will listen to any complaints of mobbing without retribution toward the victim.

Sharon Ryan is an adjunct professor of management sciences at Concordia University College of Alberta. Sharonryan2@gmail.com

From: http://working.canada.com


Anonymous said...

Don't you sometimes just want to end it all... the deceit... the lies.... the denial...

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell

Fucking bastards.....

Aphra Behn

Anonymous said...

This sort of thing happened even when I was a lot younger in the 1970s. People either didn't recognize it for what it was or simply kept quiet about it. Nowadays, it's much more in the open and people are willing to discuss it.