June 22, 2007

London Met awarded the 'Divestors of People' standard

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing to inform you that your institution has been awarded the 'Divestors of People' standard, for you meet at least 50% of the required criteria.

For more details, please check:




Yours sincerely,

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Louise Michel and Peter Kropotkin


Anonymous said...

Times Higher 22.6.07

IOE Director faces tribunal case

Geoff Whitty, the Director of the Institute of Education ....

'one of the world's most prestigious centres for research, teacher training, higher degrees and consultancy in education and education-related areas of social science'

..is set to face

'public allegations of sex discrimination from one of his most senior colleagues'.

So Dr Loughran joins the list of honour of those brave individuals who are prepared to challenge behaviour that they believe to be unlawful.

In this case the challenge is alleged sex discrimination, which unlike workplace bullying, is illegal.

If we are to believe IOE's account - Dr Loughran's grievance and subsequent appeal...

... 'were heard and dealt with in a comprehensive and professional manner in accordance with the institute's policies and procedures'.

What a shame that we don't all have that experience when we embark on a grievance process.

The grievance process that I am currently undergoing, which includes alleged workplace bullying from colleagues, has made me so ill that I have had to take time off work for stress.

When I subsequently returned to work I was ignored.

When I asked UCU for support at a meeting I was asked to attend at the university I was subjected to a five minute verbal attack by a UCU representative which left me reeling....

The university has suggested that I undertake counselling...

Aphra Behn

Anonymous said...

A well deserved award. London Met is a beacon of worst practice in the sector.