Carmen de Jong was recruited as a professor by the University of Savoy a
few years ago (2006), to lead a special unit devoted to mountain. At that time,
Annecy was applying to organize the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.
Carmen was asked to examine the question of artificial snow, but
she gave "wrong" advice (not in favour of artificial snow) in a
place and in a situation were the artificial snow and other ski
industries were (and remain) very influential. Then, her unit was suppressed
and she got into a lot of trouble. Now, it is getting even worse.
Best regards
L. G. M.
I forward the following message on behalf of Carmen de Jong:
I would like to follow on the contact made via Luis Gonzalez-Mestres, a
colleague from a collective for the defence of independence of research.
I am a geographer with PhD and educated in the UK, Germany
and France. In 2006, I was recruited as professor at the University of Savoy in
Chamberyin the domain of interdisciplinary and applied mountains sciences
across three departments: Geography, Geology and Biology within the faculty of
interdisciplinary mountain science. I was employed as scientific director
of the Mountain Institute to coordinate international projects on state-of-the
art mountains themes and develop applied research in close contact
with mountain stakeholders.
In connection with my recruitment I was specifically asked to tackle
themes such as artificial snow. But the moment I started to give talks,
publish and organise research on artificial snow and climate change and
coordinate large European projects, the trouble began.
The pressure on my university by the ski industry and local politicians
to stop me from working on this theme was immense. In addition, the region was
preparing the candidacy for the Winter Olympic Games of Annecy 2018,
actively supported by my university. Although I brought in more than 4
million Euros of research funding a real witch-hunt began in order to destroy
my scientific career. None of the steps taken to silence me were ever discussed
or voted in any councils and I was never given a chance to defend myself
in front of any councils.
I was removed without evaluation or valid reason from all the European projects
that I had initiated and coordinated. After I refused to bend to the pressures
to resign from the direction of my CNRS mountain unit, it was closed. The
managing director of the Mountain Institute was replaced by a non-specialist
appointed directly by the local government of Savoy who started to define and block my research.
All my funding, my PhD and postdoc students and trainees were taken away from
me. My special benefits were cut, my work accidents refused, my international collaborations
blocked, my travel permissions declined, my professional mobile phone cut off
(and handed over to another person in Paris) and my post opened.
Although I had limited teaching, I was suddenly asked to do a full
teaching load outside my qualifications and field of competences. An offer for
a prestigious sabbatical at the University of Colorado was declined and
the reasons falsified in the council meeting minutes. Everything that I have developed
has been taken over by a neighboring institute. There have also been attempts
to take away my office from me. In a last step to destroy me and my family (I
have two children and a retired husband) the president, who has never met
me, has announced with 4 weeks delay to more or less totally cut my salary for
a year referring to my teaching load 2011/2012. This action comes as a complete
surprise. The university has not written to me with reference to my teaching of
last year for more than a year and has never answered my letters on this issue.
I urgently need help. Please could you help me diffuse this information
and become member of the Scifraud mailing list.
Best regards from
Carmen de Jong